Absolutely spectacular writing!!!

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Thank you! <3

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So many milestones!! Congrats on passing your driving test AND finishing your degree Ciara!! Very curious to know what subject you were doing to only have one course mate, that's mad! I completely relate to everything you've said here - I left uni last year and it was so jarring to wake up one day and have my whole routine, friendships, relationships, priorities, the lot, change overnight. It really made me realise how much I coasted through not really taking in the special moments because I needed to finish an essay or because I saw my friends every day. Now these things are so much more rare, I treasure the memories far more. Goodbyes can feel really abrasive and scary, but I love how you're reframing it as opportunity! I wish I'd done that last year. A much better way to look at it!!

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Thank you so much Ella! I was studying English Language and Communication but it’s a very small uni! Yes that’s very true, you’re so stuck and focused in a routine that you don’t realise how quick the time goes! <3

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This was so beautiful!! There really is something equally sad and beautiful about goodbyes for the better.

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Thank you Madeline! <3

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